I want to give TOEFL exam for Sydney University so when I can go for registeration. I wanted to phd in accounting.
Hi Rahul,
Simply follow the steps given below in order to fill up the form for TOEFL for coming months Just remember that there are various dates where the exam is being conducted over various test centers, just go through the list available on their webiste and decide which date-center comibination suits you best.
Step 1: Login to their website. The link has been provided here (http://www.ets.org/toefl)
Step 2: Scroll down to gind 'Register Now', in the corner right of the page.
Step 3: You will be redirected to a page where on the right there will be two options- a. Returning User b. New User. Click on the New User Button.
Step 4: Select your country of residence and then click on Create an Account.
Step 5: You will be redirected to another page where you need to fill in your personal details, address, communication preferences etc. After you have filled all the columns, click on next.
And you are good to go! After you appear for the TOEFL Exam and you have your scre you can use them to apply for any foreign university. To know more about the TOEFL Examination, keep reading Careers360 using the link given below:
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