I was absent in my improvement exam of class 12 and I am considered as fail in that single subject now what can I do,and will my previous marks will be considered as final?
Firstly, let me tell you that as per the latest news and updates, your improvement examination marks will be considered as final marks, still I request you to clearify the fact with your school officials once as they know that much better than me. So, I think you must have to appear for the compartment exam, still again I am requesting you to clearify the fact with your school officials.
Kindly, visit the following link for getting more detailed information :
Hope this answer will help you.
Thank you!
Improvement examination are conducted for the improvement of marks. So if you fail in due to absence then also there are no problem about it. Your previous result will be valid. So don't worry about this.
To know more about CBSE improvement examination visit the link below:
I hope this answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!