I was good in my school days in my studies but now at degree college, I am not the same guy, and unable to focus because I feel boredom quickly, and scroll through social media, what to do, feeling stuck?
1. Try the pomodoro technique:
This means that when you sit to study, don't make up your mind to study all day long. Study in sessions. Many students (like me) go by the 25:5 method. This means that you study for 25 minutes and take a break for 5 minutes. This does not have to be 25:5, you can make it 40:10 or even 1 hour : 20 minutes.
2. Make a daily or weekly plan and stick to it
If you plan realistically, you will stick to a schedule. This is why weekly plans works better. Sit down on sundays and take out 2-3 hours everyday initially to plan what you need to study. Even if you lag behind one day, you can adjust it in the week
3. Give yourself incentives for hard work
Keep your mindset this way- 25 minutes of study= 5 minutes of instagram/ whatever social media you use. If you reward yourself, chances are you will work more hard
4. Out of site is out of mind
If you do not want your cell phone to disturb you while you study, keep it far enough to make you not want to leave the comfort of your seat. Also, separate your "fun" space from your "work" space.
5. Keep a distraction journal
The human mind wanders away easily. A trick I have learnt is to keep a diary with me all the time so that i can write down whatever non-study related comes to my mind to get it out of my system and get focused again. Half of these things will be unnecessary when you read them in your 5 minute break and thank yourself that you continued studying.
We all go through distractions. But how we let them control us or how we control them depends on our will power and determination. You have to realise that;
It is okay to be imperfect
Have a positive outlook
Know what you want to achieve, why and how
Do not see your decisions as Sacrifices
Take control of your weaknesses
Start the day with positive affirmations.
Focus on the good things, however small they are.
Find humor in bad situations.
Turn failures into lessons—and learn from them!
Transform negative self-talk into positive self-talk.
Focus on the present instead of getting mired in the past or losing your way in the future.
Find positive friends, mentors, etc to support and encourage you
Set Goals
Choose your Academic path that interests you
Map your Priorities
Build Accountability
Sleep well, Eat well and Stress Less