ias prepared so how do this prelims exam
Preliminary in UPSC is MCQs based exam, it has two papers and each one consists of 200 marks,its numbers ain't added to final list, you just need to score the required cut offs against your category.
First is GS Paper-I which consists of the following topic such as History of India and Indian national movement, Indian and World geography, Economic and social development- sustainable development, poverty,inclusion demographics, social sector initiatives etc,Indian polity and governance-constitution,political system,Current Events nationally and Internationally, General Science,General Issues on environmental ecology,biodiversity and climate change. you just need to score the required cut offs against your category.
Second Paper is CSAT which is qualifying by nature,you need to score merely 33% which is 66 marks out of 200, it includes following topics such as basic numeracy, comprehension, logical reasoning and analytical ability, general mental ability, decision making and problem solving, interpersonal skills including communication skills.
Preparation Tips:-
Be acquainted with the syllabus to know what to read and what to skip,
Read newspaper everyday, you can prefer The Hindu or The Indian Express, if necessary you can make notes as well.
Make a timetable to cover such an extensive syllabus
,set targets on a daily,weekly and monthly basis.
Start with NCERTs for strong foundation, later go for the standard books as follows:
History ;
NCERT Class XI and XII
India's Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra
For Indian Culture, refer art and culture by Nitin Singhania
Geography ;
GC Leong's Physical Geography
World Atlas
Economics ;
Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
International Relations & Polity ;
NCERT XII Political Science with current affairs
Indian Polity by Laxmikanth
Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Agarwal
M Tyra's Quicker Maths
Go through previous year papers available at the official website of UPSC.
Solve mock papers on a regular basis to analyze your preparation level, practice test series before the Prelims in order to be acquainted with online pattern and time management.
Qualifying prelims require knowledge coupled with speed as it's a MCQs based exam, so first develop good understanding of the subjects, and solve mock papers, previous year paper regularly, and accordingly see how you're faring in these areas.
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