if I get 80% in jee mains and 80% in ipe marks will I get a seat in top college??
Yes you have chances to get into top colleges if you get good score in both the IPE and JEE. Still you have time to get good score in JEE prepare well for it.
If you still have any doubts you can use our careers 360 jee rank predictor 2020. I'm providing you the link of the rank predictor ( https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/jee-main-rank-predictor )
Here are some tips for you to get good score in JEE mains and how can you manage your time to prepare well.
One of the important JEE mains preparation tip is time management and you must be through with the syllabus. The last and important thing is the preparation will not depend on how much time you are spending, rather it depends on how much you are gaining. If you want detailed information on the preparation tips you can go and visit our careers 360 article.
I'll provide you a link of our careers 360 article which is on " JEE mains 2020 Preparation tips " I think this article may be help full for you to get good score in jee mains . Here is the link https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/jee-main-preparation-tips