If there is gap after graduation, how much and how does it affect admissions in foreign universities for MS?
A gap after graduation generally affects your chances of admission depending upon what you accomplished in the gap year.
If you are applying for an MS abroad, then a gap to participate in an internship or any sort of professional activity which is related to the prospective field of study will actually boost your application. Additionally, if you have completed any short-term course or have acquired any publication under your name in the gap year, then the admissions committee will positively interpret your gap year.
On the other hand, if the gap year in question cannot be justified towards the area of study you are applying to and is unrelated to the same, then the gap year may affect your chances of admission drastically. A gap year taken for preparation and/or coaching for GRE or an English language proficiency test may prove to hinder your application in the eyes of the admissions committee.
Therefore, you should ensure that you work further towards your goal in the gap year or years in order to increase the weight of your application for an MS abroad.
A gap year could be the best decision, depending on how you plan to use your time. If you plan to gain professional experience you will be better off than the majority of students who are personal students and many won't get real jobs until their mid twenties.
Without occupation exposure, how can you know what you like, what your good at, and what career will keep you motivated?
Statistics in the US show only 1320% of graduates Landing a job in their field of study upon graduation. They also say the average undergrad student changes majors 23x.
Hello Amrit Kumar Jha,
No, taking a gap year will not affect your chances of getting admissions in foreign universities. In fact it will help you holistically develop and it will help you get a clarity about what do you want to do. However, I will suggest that you utilise this gap year to the fullest, try working on yourself and your skills during this time off.
Benefits of taking a gap year:
- Try utilising your bachelors degree and work with an organisation. This will help you in multiple dimension. You will gain experience when working, you will learn the basics of work ethics and codes, you will meet enormous number of people who will help you broaden your global social circle and connections.
- Once you start working you will learn the basis of how to live on your own, you will meet new people and interacting with them will boost your confidence. You will, by the end of it, become more self-assured and independent.
- In your gap year you will have enough time to work on your entrance examinations like (GRE, TOEFL, IELTS etc.). You will have more time to think and sort out the country, city, college and stream you want to pursue. A break from studies will provide you with clarity about what you want in your future and where do you see yourself in the next 5 years.
- In your free time you can volunteer with NGOs. Foreign universities highly appreciate social work and it will just be an added achievement to your CV.
- Try doing things you have never tried before, like talking in front of crowds, if you like singing or dancing you can try out classes. This sounds dumb but it helps in foreign spaces as these activities will boost your confidence and competence.
- Try learning the language of the country you plan on going to. People who know foreign languages are incredibly valued in the commercial sector, thus this will improve the chances of you getting an excellent job.
- Improve your CV in as many ways as possible, whether it be through internships, jobs, research projects under professors, volunteer work, teaching, skill development etc. The better your CV the better are your chances of getting a good university.
- Maintain a budget of how much your earning and how much of it are you spending because many colleges abroad ask for proof about what you have done in your gap year and how has it helped you, so records, certificates, budget, letters of recomendation will all help you provide enough proof to show that the gap year you took was worthwile.
I hope this helps!
Do revert back in case of any doubts.