If viteee 2020 is cancelled what would be the expected 12th percentage to get cse in vit vellore?
As there is no mentioned criteria to get seat from 12th and jee score,this time it would be first time,so here we can only guess, as cse is the top most demanded stream/course so 12th score must be above 90% altest or around 95% ,if you fail to get CSE ,then go for information technology,
Although in VIT you will get which course you want ,but for this you may be asked to pay higher or get donation seat.
yet it is not fixed because in 12 so many students score more than 95%. so we can't predetermined about the score but it is definitely above 95%.
good luck.
Since it is the first time they are intaking the students based on 12th marks it's very hard to predict the percentage at which you might get CSE branch.
The cutoff totally depends on the merit of students who have applied for the branch.
It will definitely be above 95% for general students for CSE
So hope for the best!
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