If we can't qualify CSIR JRf exam along with CSIR NET exam ..can we give only Jrf exam directly or we can give again NET with Jrf both next time?
First of all CSIR NET is conducted for mainly science stream as in discipline of physical science, mathematical science, chemical science, earth science, biological science, if you intend to appear for CSIR NET then you can appear for JRF or both that is JRF as well as Lectureship/Assistant Professor,
If you only opt for JRF, and qualify the same, then you can pursue higher studies as well as go for lectureship, in case of CSIR NET candidates who qualify JRF get monthly stipend of Rs 25000 for first two years, and Rs 28000 for the next three years, the scores of JRF remain valid for two years, once you qualify CSIR NET JRF then you don't need to appear for entrance test of any university if you're seeking PhD admission, you can directly go to interview process,
The upper age limit for CSIR NET is 28 years for JRF only for general category there is relaxation obviously for reserved categories,, in case of lectureship there is no upper age limit. visit our page at https://competition.careers360.com/exams/csir-ugc-net to know more details regarding this.
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