ihave560marks in meet2022my catagory is ews ihave air in best medicine college
The marks 560you have got in Neet UG exam and as you belong to EWS category then there is bright chances for you to take admission in Government Medical Colleges for MBBS course admission As an EWS Economic Weaker Section Category you will enjoy 10 % reservation in any admission for academic Institutes .So for this opportunity you have a great chance for taking admission in MBBS course in Government Medical Colleges
Hope this helps.
First of all congratulations for this score in Neet 2022.
As you are already aware of the cut throat competition which is further increasing day by day in NEET, it is very difficult to secure a seat with less than 585-600 marks in any government college for general, obc category or EWS category.
You may have to look for private colleges whose fees cannot be afforded unless you're from a well off family.
You can look for some other courses such as BDS, B.A.M.S, BHMS, B.U.M.S, etc. All these courses have their own scope in medical field.
Other than these, you may also opt for B. Sc nursing or B.PT or Vetinary sciences which are also related to medical field.
You can also apply for state quota as the state cutoffs vary from state to state.
You can know more about your predicted rank through the following link https://medicine.careers360.com/neet-rank-predictor?utm_source=qna&utm_medium=neet_rp
You can also go through the following link to know about your predicted college https://medicine.careers360.com/neet-college-predictor?utm_source=qna&utm_medium=neet_cp