iit colleges per year semister fee?
The fee structure for IIT colleges have changed from 2018 and onward. The fees of semester may vary with different IITs. Fee structure also vary for different courses offered. It also depend on whether you are selected through reserve category or general category and what your family income is.Approximately it ranges from 1.5 - 3.5 lakh per semester. As an example of fee structure I am giving the link of fee structure of one of the IIT https://www.iitm.ac.in/fees . You can visit the link and can have a rough idea about semester fee at IITs.
Hope this solve your query.
hello lalitha,
IITs are the best colleges which provides the best education in india , their degree certificates are very valuble as it lets you get to any job very easy and you get placed rapidly. in fact the iits semester fees depends on the iit which you are studying or the prefered iit which you ask for..
But, telling you the average among them for the general category. that is too above 5 lakhs annual income. others less than the 5 lakh annual income get fee remission after their semesters...
tuition fee- 1,00,000
hostel and mess fee- 45,000- 50,000
payable each semester- 3,850
moreover there are also fees that are to be paid only once that is in the first semester.