I'm biology student of 12th class. What I study after graduation.. B or D pharma
Hello Nikesh Kumar,
Both the courses have their own significance as B.Pharm is 4 years course where as Pharm. D is a 6 years course. While Pharm.D. focuses on clinical practise and allows the student to get a hands-on experience while working as a pharmacist, B.Pharm. is more research oriented and as mentioned above it focuses on the manufacture of drugs and what new discoveries can be made in this field.
If you are a student who wishes to work as a pharmacist in big hospitals and healthcare clinics whether it is in your homeland or in countries abroad, then a Pharm.D. course would be better for you.
if researching about new therapies and drugs interests you immensely and you look forward to work in pharmaceuticals, drugs and biotech industries then a B. Pharm programme would be best suitable for you.
Hope this will help.