I'm doing my bsc in physics I wanna crack IIT JAM MSC in physics. plz suggest me how could I manage my time table
IIT JAM is a most difficult exam in India and it is not an easy task to crack it. It requires self belief, dedication, hard work and attentive mind.
Every year approximately 10000-11000 students apply for only Physics subject and a few ones qualify for JAM.
So prepare for the physics starts with the knowing about IIT JAM Syllabus and Exam Pattern.
There is a lot of stuff available in form of books and videos to learn from. I recommend the following, apart from NCERT (that should be your starting point and consumed properly)
- Start with Youtube (all the following are available for free on YT)Khan academy videos for the topic you are studying , follow up Crash Course for the same topicwatch
- Walter Lewin Lecture videos (MIT freeware) you can also watchYale lectures by Prof. Ramamurthy
- Read Halliday and Resnik, Fundamentals of Physics (for conceptual understanding and Numerical problems)
- ReadSears and Zemanskys
- University Physics (for conceptual understanding in case you need to explore a topic beyond Resnick.
- H. C. Verma Concepts of Physics byfor problemsWatch solved numerical examples onThe Science Cube.There are 1520 solved problems for each topic, very well explained
- Do a lot of mock tests. I suggest atleast one in a week
- Find best way of solving problems
- Do not leave a problem till you get conceptual clarity around the solution
- Practice is the key
- Apart from this,I would strongly recommend proper nutrition and some exercise. It plays big part in keeping you motivated
- Remove social media from your mobile phone
- Have designated time to check social messages. If possible just get our of social media.
- Make best use of time of the day and you need to get creative about this. Mornings to noon, when your brain is at peak performance, should be reserved to do mock tests or tackle difficult topics that you need to master. Afternoons should be used to do revision of something that you are familiar with. Evenings again can be used to work around subjects that you may be a little familiar
- When in a taxi, watch video lectures on YT
- Do not burn yourself out, indulge in something that you like. Of-course in moderation
- Get 7 hours of sleep every day. Your productivity will be high of you get adequate sleepRelax one day before the exam and get atleast 8 hours of sleep.
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All the Best....!!!!

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