I'm from Maharashtra... mh_ cet 2021 is postpone n they take admission in next June 2022 bcz of their slow exam process but i dont have that much time so what to do either i go with parul Or wait for mh_cet n get admission through mh_cet? what to do?
No it's not like that. The exam of 2021 of MHT CET will take place in 2021 sooner or later but if you don't want to wait and don't want to take risk then you can take admission in Parul University because it is also a very good private institute. But if you are confident about your preparation in and you can wait then you should because you can get very good colleges through MHT CET. But it totally depends on you, if you don't want to take risk then secure admission in Parul University.
I hope this helps