I'm going tocomplete b.sc mecs Do I have a choice to do mba(tourism and travel)
Answer (1)
Management courses which are about Business processes & people management. So if you wish to pursue MBA it won't be a Problem.
Management has major domains like Finance, Operations, Strategy, Marketing, Information Technology, Human Resource and other minor domains.
Many people who appear for CAT and crack it in the first go and so will you too, with the right amount of Hardwork, focus and dedication.
As I think your are familiar about the pattern of CAT which consists of Vocabulary (English, RCs section), Quant (Mathematics section) and DI & LR ( Graphs, Pictures and reasoning section).
The logic is more about beating the game instead of winning the game. I mean, it's not about how many questions you attempt but it's about how many you let go cause you know the answer You got might be incorrect. The ability to let go of few questions is one of the major winning tricks in a examination like CAT which is a race against time and packed with negative marking scheme.
So there is this link which can help you with detailed CAT prep and so will many other CAT coaching classes, https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://bschool.careers360.com/articles/cat-when-and-how-start-preparations/amp&ved=2ahUKEwjE8M7_vOrhAhWK63MBHYiEDzoQFjATegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw3wpWyn9MB0MhMz31UyIRQD&cf=1
The real tricks lay beyond the syllabus and that's what you need to master. Its about ability to crack examinations instead of cracking the syllabus.
All the best!
Management courses which are about Business processes & people management. So if you wish to pursue MBA it won't be a Problem.
Management has major domains like Finance, Operations, Strategy, Marketing, Information Technology, Human Resource and other minor domains.
Many people who appear for CAT and crack it in the first go and so will you too, with the right amount of Hardwork, focus and dedication.
As I think your are familiar about the pattern of CAT which consists of Vocabulary (English, RCs section), Quant (Mathematics section) and DI & LR ( Graphs, Pictures and reasoning section).
The logic is more about beating the game instead of winning the game. I mean, it's not about how many questions you attempt but it's about how many you let go cause you know the answer You got might be incorrect. The ability to let go of few questions is one of the major winning tricks in a examination like CAT which is a race against time and packed with negative marking scheme.
So there is this link which can help you with detailed CAT prep and so will many other CAT coaching classes, https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://bschool.careers360.com/articles/cat-when-and-how-start-preparations/amp&ved=2ahUKEwjE8M7_vOrhAhWK63MBHYiEDzoQFjATegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw3wpWyn9MB0MhMz31UyIRQD&cf=1
The real tricks lay beyond the syllabus and that's what you need to master. Its about ability to crack examinations instead of cracking the syllabus.
All the best!
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