I'm in 12th class and preparing for jee23, deeply depressed because of chem, I didn't studied chemistry properly in 10th and 11th, from what should i start now ,how can i cover ? in my coaching sir started the first chapter 3 months ago (electrochemistry) and now he is teaching goc
Dear aspirant,
Yes, you can cover the syllabus if you start now, provided that you ready to work hard.
1. Organic chemistry is a new topic for almost everyone, so focus on what your class is doing. Do GOC along with them. It is an important chapter, practice it from OP Tandon and learn organic really well.
2. Focus on inorganic chemistry, there are not a lot of concepts there so finish it from NCERT textbook.
3. For physical chemistry, start doing it now along with organic. Use NCERT to do mole concepts and then move on to P Bahadur book. Spend some time with physical chemistry everyday. Solve the previous year questions along with every topic. Do it in order so that it'll be easy for you to understand.
4. Don't hesitate to ask doubts even though if it's on topics that are not being taught at the moment.
If you work hard, you can score well in chemistry.
Hope this helps.