I'm in 1st year of cse so please suggest me the best book to prepare for GATE??
GATE 2025: Syllabus | Sample Papers
These are the books you should use for your preparations for GATE Computer Engineering:
1.An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata by PeterLinz
2.Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by KennethRosen
3.Introduction to Algorithms by C.L.R.S
4.Database Systems by Elmasri& Navathe
5.Computer System Architecture by MorrisMano
6.The C Programming Language by DennisRitchie
7.Data Communications and Networking by Forouzan
8.Operating System Concepts by Galvin
9.Data Structures Using C by Tenenbaum
10.Compilers:Principles,Techniques,& Tools by Ullman
11.Modern Digital Electronics by R. P. Jain
Good luck.
GATE 2025 Syllabus
Candidates preparing for GATE 2025 can now access the official syllabus. The detailed syllabus PDF is available for download as PDF here.