I'm in my 12th standard now.I'm going to appear my jee mains on 10th jan.But I'm not well prepared.What to do?Any suggestions?
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Just try to focus on the subjects you have prepared . And try to revive them and if you are done with revision . You can jump to important topics . But I will advise you to revise which you have prepared .
Best of luck
Hello Sangam,
Considering only 2 days are left, you should concentrate more on the topics which have to be crammed like chemistry and some chapters of physics as you can score well in them.
Chemistry is the best investment at this point in time since every topic is being given equal weightage and chemistry is the easiest and simplest to grasp in the given amount of time. Also, I suggest you only do NCERT in this duration.
Some of the main topics to study in chemistry are as follows -
Atomic structure -
You only have to cram 4–5 formulas and they will be applied in almost every single question from this chapter.
Equilibrium -
Another very easy chapter.
Atomic structure -
You only have to cram 4–5 formulas and they will be applied in almost every question from this chapter.
Solid state -
Another chapter mostly that is mostly based on facts. Just read the NCERT very attentively.
Solutions -
Probably one of the easiest chapters. Definitely prepare it well.
Kinetics - Especially work the zero and first order kinetics questions and problems.
Surface chemistry -
Easy chapter but a lot of facts.
S block, p block -
Almost pure cramping although there are various logical explanations.
Co-ordination compounds -
A chapter with 4–5 concepts
Moving on to Organic Chemistry, just cram some important equations but according to me you should probably leave it as it is a huge and can't be crammed in 2 days, however, you should revise chapters like Biomolecules, Polymers, and Chemistry in Everyday life. These are a lot easier but are highly rewarding chapters.
Some of the main topics to study in physics are as follows -
Energy and Momentum -
Most of the time you just have to see where the energy went and how it changed form.
Gravitation -
3–4 formulas define this chapter, just memorize them and you are good to go.
Heat -
Easy but you might have to grasp it properly first.
Optics -
Although there are many concepts it is formula application based.
Current Electricity -
Easy chapter, questions might be tricky though.
Electrostatics -
You may leave this chapter it is somewhat non-intuitive
AC Current -
It is the easiest once you grasp it.
Modern Physics -
A lot of concepts but a lot of weightage. Read NCERT thoroughly.
Following are a few chapters you might wanna look up for maths, though for maths you need time and a lot of practice so within 2 days gap it will not be easy.
Matrices and Determinants
Differential Eqn
3D Geometry
Since you have so less time left keep in mind that you have to study for minimum 18 hours a day but get to take care of your health and get a good 10 hours of sleep before the day of the exam.
But do not worry or stress yourself out since you have another chance left since NTA has declared that JEE mains will be conducted in the months of January and April. You will get a taste of the exam and that will help you prepare it even better for the next time (in April).
Stay confident and give your best. Good luck!
Due to shortage of time, just try to focus on NCERT books. However, NTA will be conducting the exam twice this year, and the best marks of your 2 attempts will be considered for rankings. So, you'll have two more months to put in your fullest efforts for the exam in April. Hope this helps
Good luck!
Hello Sagam!
You really have very small time. With such small time, I can only suggest you to go through your NCERT books thoroughly, remember the important formulas focusing on those topics which are having higher weightage.You can also go through the previous year question papers to get an idea what kind of questions are asked.
Good luck!
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