I'm scoring 300 marks in neet 2019...how I can increase my score up-to 300 marks in last 20 days..??
For the last 20 days left for the entrance exam all you need to do is revise all the concepts and do revision in a systematic way. You can do it in the following manner:
-- Firstly for biology, the most scoring subject- try to go through the entire NCERT of both class 11 and 12. Read it line by line carefully and focus on the following:
- Examples
- Classifications
- Diagrams and their labellings
- Reactions and mechanisms
- Biological cycles
- Tabular data
- Statistics
- Name of the scientists/inventors/discoverers
- Highlighted data in the NCERT
- Most importantly the summary part given behind every chapter
--For Chemistry: Revise the organic chemistry part first as maximum questions are asked from this part of chemistry. Go through the nomenclature-rules carefully -from the NCERT.
Then for the physical Chemistry chapters revise the formulae and the conditions where the formula is used. Do practice the NCERT examples. And for inorganic chemistry- read the important data from NCERT itself. The names and formulae if the compounds- most important.
-- And lastly for Physics- revise the formulae and write them 2-3 times if possible for practice. As many a times it happens that a particular is clear with the concepts but sometimes forgets the formula that has to be applied. Practice atleast 3-5 questions of topic.
Practice maximum number of questions possible. Go through the previous years question papers once to get the better idea of the question-paper-level-pattern.
Give your Bestttt and perform greatttt.!
Good Luck.!
Dear Hitesh, Ideally this is the time for revision. So try these: NCERT is best book to study biology for NEET, and solving NCERT based questions will give an added advantage. Human Physiology and Genetics have maximum weightage in NEET. It is advisable to practise questions of Genetics from previous year question papers, which will give you a thorough understanding of how the questions are being asked. Topics of Plant and Animal kingdom have a lot of portion to memorize. You can prepare these topics by making a comparative table for the sub-topics and studying it together. Plant physiology is also equally important and easy to score. In Physics, t ry to learn the formulas and derivations, so that you can solve problems in one go. For inorganic chemistry, you must refer to the NCERT. Organic comprises of many reactions and reagents which can be practised by writing over and over again. Physical chemistry requires a comparatively deeper understanding of concepts, so preparing with the NCERT and referring to study material a level higher than NCERT should be the way to go.
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