Important topics for jee main from thermodynamics, calorimetry and kTG
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Hello Aspirant,
JEE main exam is conducted twice an year (from this year) by National testing agency(NTA) for providing admissions into undergraduate courses in various institutions such as IITs,NITs,IIITs etc.Already, the first session is over in January and the second session will be conducted in April.Provided that you have very less time and also as your boards are approaching soon, it is better to prepare the topics based on their weightage and the level of difficulty so that you can score high.
For any last minute preparation or low duration preparation, it is better you divide the whole syllabus into the following four parts.This applies to all competitive exams.
High weightage,low effort(easy):
These are the most important chapters of the group.Since they require low effort, you should complete them first and practice them thouroughly.
High weightage, high effort(hard):
These are the second most important group of chapters. You will probably have to spend a lot of time on these chapters but due to the weightage,its all worth it.
Low weightage, low effort(easy):These are the chapters you can do only when you have time left after completing the first two. These might be helpful if you want to score great!!
Low weightage, high effort(hard):
Forget these chapters! You don’t need to worry about them. Focus on the above three types of chapters instead. Depending on the time constraints, you can learn them.
Here am classifying the topics for you in physics.And do remember,NTA does not allocate any weightage to any chapter. Students should concentrate on each and every topic/chapter of all subjects.After analyzing the pattern of last few years’ papers of JEE Main, this is the list of the important chapters along with the important topics. It will help you in your preparation for the examination.
Low input & high weightage:
Heat& thermodynamics,Ray optics,Electromagnetic waves,Semi conductors,Errors & Instrumental analysis, Gravitation, wave optics, Photo electric effect,Oscillations.
Low input & low weightage:
Heat transfer,Fluids,Nuclear physics & x-rays,work,energy & power,Units & measurements,Dual nature of matter & radiation.
High input & high weightage:
Electromagnetic induction & Alternating Current, rotation, kinematics, electrostatics,current electricity & capacitors,properties of matter,Magnetic effects of current& magnetism,Bohr's Atomic model,Waves & Sound.
High input & low weightage:
Circular motion, Centre of mass & collisions, Communication system, Laws of motion.
I think I have covered all the topics. Units and dimensions,meaurement of errors, and vectors are the most important basic topics you need to excel and which requires very minimal effort.
And you can also expect one(or more) question/s from the topics- Kinematics, Newton's laws of motion,friction. These are like the very compulsory topics and you will definitely get atleast one question in every paper.Work,energy & power;electrostatics,wave optics,current electricity, ray optics are some of the topics which are expected frequently in the paper and is easy to score.Hope you got the information you needed and prepare well for the exam.
All the best!!!
Hii Ahmed,
Heat & Thermodynamics’ contribute to about 3-4 questions in jee mains. If you skip these chapters, you are going to be at a great loss. Thermodynamics is also very important for bachelor’s degree in Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical, or even Bio-Technology.
Go through the entire theory part, understand it well, and then attempt solved examples followed by the unsolved questions from each chapter under Thermodynamics such as calorimetry, kinetic theory of gases,heat transfer.
Quesion on ideal gases in KTG,In calorimetry mainly priciple based questions are asked,in thermodynamics first law of thermodynamics and its applications,carnot cycle, refrigerators and heat pumps, reversible and irreversible processes, thermal equilibrium,zeroth law of thermodynamics.
These are some of the topics very important for jee exam.
Have a Good plan and perform well.
All the Best...,
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