important topics for jee mains & advance
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Hello Aspirant,
Here in the list you can see the weightages of each and every chapters and then you can decide the important topics for jee mains and advanced:-
Topics |
No of Questions |
Marks |
Modern Physics |
5 |
20 |
3 |
12 |
3 |
12 |
Unit,Dimension and Vector
Centre Of Mass, Impulse and Momentum
Simple Harmonic Motion
Solids and Fluids
For more subject weightage you can go through the given link and check chapters wise weightage:-
Hope you can get your answer.
Hi Student
Easy Topics in JEE Main Physics
- Electrostatics is a very lengthy but is a easy topic. Mostly three to four questions are asked from this topic every year.
- Current Electricity is a small topic but is very scoring. Questions from the topic like colour code of resisters, Ohm’s Law, etc. are frequently asked in the JEE Main exam.
- Electro-magnetic Induction and Alternating Current is also easy topic and is an important topic for JEE Main. One to two questions are asked from these two topics each year.
- Semiconductor & Electronic Devices, Communication, Units & Dimensions, Measurement of error (Absolute and Relative), Instruments. These are very small and scoring topics. One question is usually asked from each of these topics in JEE Main. So, you should not skip these as they can easily score 16-20 marks.
Difficult Topics as per JEE Main Physics Syllabus
The topics given below are also important topics of JEE Main 2020 in Physics, but require dedicated focus and more time.
is the most important topic for JEE Main. Most of the questions asked in JEE Main demand conceptual understanding of the chapters of Mechanics. Some of the important topics in mechanics for JEE Main are:
- Newton’s Law of Motion
- Bernoulli’s theorem
- Elasticity
- Equation of Continuity
- Kinematics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Work, Energy and Power
- Rigid Body Dynamics
- Gravitation
- Law of conservation of momentum (linear/angular)
- Magnetism is a very important topic for JEE Main. Usually, a good number of questions are asked from this topic in JEE Main.
- Optics is also a very important topic for JEE Main. You should be thorough in this topic.
Modern Physics
is the most important topic for JEE Main in Physics. This chapter typically has a questions of 12-16 marks in JEE Main. Most frequently asked topics are as below:
- X-ray (Continuous wavelength, Characteristic Wavelength)
- Atomic Structure (Spectrum/Radius)
- Radioactivity
- Dual Nature of Matter
- Photoelectric Effect
- Nuclear fission
- You must study Oscillation and Waves topic in detail. Questions related to topics like SHM, sound waves, string, Doppler effect, Wave Optics are surely asked in JEE Main each year.
- 1-2 questions are asked every year from Thermodynamics , so you should be thorough with it as well.
Important topics for JEE Main Inorganic Chemistry
All the topics in Inorganic Chemistry are considered important for JEE Main 2020. All the chapters carry equal weightage in JEE Main. Your basics and the fundamentals should be clear in each and every topic. Inorganic chemistry can help boost your score if you prepare Method of Preparation, Chemical Reactions, uses, etc. of the compounds.
The Elements of the periodic table and Chemical Bonding are the most important topics for JEE Main 2020. These two topics should be on your tips. They are important for building a solid foundation for Inorganic chemistry. Questions asked from Chemical bonding are based on the following topics:
- Fajan’s Rule & it’s application
- Shape and Hybridisation
- Molecular Orbital Theory (where the most important topic is Electronic Configuration)
- Dipole Moment
Another very important topic for JEE Main in Inorganic Chemistry is Transition elements and coordination chemistry . About three questions are asked from this chapter. Questions are based on topics like Isomerism (Structural, Geometrical, Linkage, Optical Isomerism), Lanthanoid Contraction, Nomenclature and Crystal Field Theory.
Hydrogen and S & P block elements are also among the most important topics for JEE Main. You should be thorough in topics such as structures of various acids like P, S, Cl, N, Nitrogen Oxides, Dimers of Boron and Aluminium, oxides and their acidic-basic structure.
Important topics for JEE Main Physical Chemistry
The most important topic for JEE Main in Physical Chemistry is Mole concept . Many reactions like Redox Reaction are based on Mole concept. So, this topic should be on your tips as this is the basic connect.
Your formulae and basic concepts should be clear in Atomic Structure . Questions are frequently asked from this chapter in JEE Main. Important topics in this chapter are Quantum Numbers, the Wavelength of Electronic Transition and Ionisation Energy.
Gaseous State and Solid state are also important topics for JEE Main 2020. Your fundamentals should be clear on these topics. Frequently asked questions are from topics like van der Waals equation, Kinetic Theory of Gases and Types of Molecular Velocity.
The other topics that carry equal weightage in JEE Main are below:
- Solutions
- Electrochemistry & redox Reactions
- Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- Chemical Thermodynamics
- Equilibrium
- Surface Chemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
Important Topics for JEE Main 2020 in Mathematics
In the Mathematics section of JEE Main, there is an even distribution of marks for all the chapters. There are 15 chapters and all are equally important chapters for JEE Main. So, you can prioritise focusing on particular chapters which are easy and the chapters in which you have a good grip.
Below is a list of scoring chapters and important chapters for JEE Main in Mathematics:
- Sequence & Series
- Determinants and Matrices
- Sets and relations
- Mathematical Reasoning
- Statistics & Probability
- Vector & 3D
- Straight line
- Circle
- Definite Integral
- Indefinite Integral
- Application of Derivatives
- Differential equation
- Application of Integrals
- Trigonometric Ratios
For any further query you can comment in the comment section given below.
Best Wishes
Hello student!
Jee mains has highly unpredictable chapter-wise question distribution in all subjects. So try to cover all topics while for Jee advance these have heavy weightage for following topics:-
Physics :- electrostatic and related topics, magnetism and related topics, modern physics , and thermodynamics
Mathematics :- differentiation and related topics(+function,limits,continuity), integral calculus(definite+indefinite), vector-3D, matrices and determinant, basic(trigo, quadratic,binomial,ap-gp-hp)
Chemistry :- s,p block, coordination, chemical bonding, atomic structure, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, etc, ideal gases, equilibrium, isomerism, Goc, salt analysis.
There are other topics as well but their weightage varies. Like there were times when 50 questions of physics came from mechanics and there were times when organic questions were above 50, similarly conic sections were major part a few times in mathematics.
It is important to focus on conceptual understanding. Otherwise, you need to know the important topics for smart work.
Hope this helps:)
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