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In number system, cover Basics of Numbers, Properties of Numbers, Divisibility Rules, Divisibility and Factors, Highest Common Factor and Lowest Common Multiple etc. You need to be thorough with Averages, Mean Median Mode, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Simple and Compound Interest etc.
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The important topics in the quant section are:
Hey !
For Quant ,under CAT exam, topics you can focus more upon are:
#Number System: Ensure that you are clear with the basic concepts of this topic.
#Arithmetic: Though Arithmetic has a vast number of sub-topics, in the last 3 years, only a couple of questions have featured from this topic.
#Algebra: Considering this has been one of the most dominant topics in CAT in the last three years, it makes a lot of sense to place extra emphasis on this topic.
#Geometry: Another topic which has featured quite a lot in the last few years.
#Permutation & Combination/Probability: This is another topic that contributes around one to two questions to the exam.
#Miscellaneous Topics: This includes Set Theory, Trigonometry, and Logarithms.
So most of the topics you have not done, take out some time to prepare for those as well because as I can see they are the important ones. If not all cover a few at least.
It is important to follow the concepts learned and practice each concept by solving simple examples first and gradually moving towards the difficult ones.
Besides learning the concepts for Quant, it is equally important that you do not leave any topic uncovered. One of the important strategies to cover each topic is to make a Day-wise preparation plan and schedule some number of days to prepare for that topic.
Good Luck!!
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