in 2019 neet chemistry, how many questions came from ncert text books
most of the question are from ncert book try to solve all the questions given at the back itell you you can easily score 140 marks atleast in chemistry.
Mohan, we cannot ideally predict that. Chemistry has 45 questions in its section and each correct answer carries 4 marks and every wrong answer takes away 1 mark. But going by previous years trends, 90% of the questions are asked from the NCERT books. And the rest needs to be covered from other books. For Physical Chemistry, Chemistry for NEET by Cengage Publications is a good choice. Oragnic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd is a good book. For Inorganic Chemistry, GRB Concept of Inorganic Chemistry by OP Tandon is an ideal option.
Chemistry Best Books:
NCERT Chemistry textbooks for Class XI and XII
Physical Chemistry by OP Tandon
ABC of Chemistry for Classes 11 and 12 by Modern
Concise Inorganic Chemistry by JD Lee
Dinesh Chemistry Guide
Practise books by VK Jaiswal, MS Chauhan and N Awasthi
hello mohan maareddy,
In NEET 2019 paper, almost 84 questions were directly or indirectly from NCERT. Out of that, almost 78 questions were directly from NCERT and 6 were indirectly from NCERT. REPEATED QUESTIONS- almost 7-8 questions directly taken from previous year's paper and NCERT text book. And some questions were just conceptual and were from the NCERT textbook. Inorganic and organic chemistry questions were the exact replica of ncert .
hope this information was useful to you..
all the best for your future..
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