in abhyudaya mahila degree college is there hostal for girls
No you will not find hostel facilities in abhyudaya mahila Degree College. Hostel facility is not available for the students. However there are other facilities which you can avail of abhyudaya mahila College. These facilities include library, Auditorium, Medical and Hospital facilities. This Degree College has a total student strength of 500 students with 40 students capacity in each class. Other than this mahila Degree College campus is in 3 acres. The mahila Degree College offers Bachelor of Commerce in general and bachelor of commerce along with computer specialisation and bachelor of science and various specialisations such as Mathematics, Physics, Computers, and Electronics. The per annum fees can range between 10000 to 18000. You are required, the most basic eligibility criteria for getting into UG courses of mahila Degree College is to complete 10 + 2 and the relevant subject. The admissions to the college is done on the basis of merit. This means you are 10 + 2 scores are considered while providing new admission.