in an office the average salary of all the employees is Rs.7000. if the average salary of the 22 executivves is Rs.12000 and that of ther others is Rs. 5000,find the total number of employees in the office
suppose there is total x no. of employee.
average salary of all employee is 7000.
so total salary of all employee is 7000*x.
22 emplyoyee gets 12000 average salary.
so total salary of 22 is 22*12000
now remaining employee is (x-22 ) no.
remaining employees got 5000 average salary.
so total salary of (x-22) employees is (x-22)*5000
now solve the below equation you will get the value of x which is the no of employees.
7000*x = 22*12000 + (x-22) *5000