In CUSAT entrance examination,how much mark i will score to get the seat for meteorogy.
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The CUSAT CAT 2020 has been cancelled. It will publish the merit list based on the marks obtained by the candidates in their qualifying exam.
Here is the revised admission process
- The exam authority will use the standardized procedure published by the Commissioner of Entrance Examination ( CEE) , Government of Kerala for KEAM 2020
- If two or more candidates score the same marks then the marks obtained in mathematics will be compared first. The candidate who has higher marks in mathematics will get preference.
- If tie continues then marks in Physics will be compared.
- If tie still persists then Marks in Chemistry will be compared
- If the tie is still not resolved then the combined marks of the subjects will be considered in the following order : mathematics/ biology and physics, mathematics/ biology and chemistry , Physics and Chemistry.
- If tie still continues then marks obtained in 12th boards will be compared
- If tie still exists marks obtained in English will be considered.
- Further if tie still persists candidate's date of birth is considered
- After that the alphabetical order of candidate's name will be considered.
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