in Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar delhi there is bsc forensic science or not and which entrance EXAM I have to give for admission in it
Are you enquiring for Dr BR Ambedkar University that is AUD, if so then no, it doesn't offer any BSc course in either of Kashmere gate campur or Karampura Campus, in fact amidst the list of undergraduate courses offered in the respective campuses are mentioned below-
Kashmere Gate Campus - BA Honours in History/Mathematics/ Sociology/Economics/English/Psychology/Social Sciences And Humanities and Bachelor Of Business Administration
Karampura Campus -
BA in Global Studies/Sustainable Urbanism/Social Sciences and Humanities/Law and Politics and BVoc in Tourism and Hospitality/Retail Management/Early Childhood Centre Management and Entrepreneurship/Accounting & Finance
To know more details regarding this, visit the official website at
Also, check out the entire list of BSc/BSc Hons Forensic Science Colleges at,B.Sc.(Hons)&branch=Forensic%20Science