In Mbbs all india counseling and state counseling are there specified no of seats there for 1st round and rest are carried forward to 2nd round or all seats can be occupied in 1st round itself?
Dear Student,
Seats will be not specified you can check the number of seats before counselling.The number of seats is different for AIQ and state quota(85%).The first 2 round is of AIQ counselling.You will be fill your choices according to your most preferred college then also other candidates will do the same.Now whose score is more will get that seat which is preferred in 1 choice and the next seat is filled they again check who has applied for second seat whose score is more will get that according to category this process goes on and if some seats are still vacant they will be filled through state quota and for each state you have to apply separately for registration on their repective site .You can check the seat matrix for neet 2020 soon when this will be available on official site .You can check here the government college seats
You can check the round wise seat matrix on official site by visting below
Below is the link to previous year seat matrix of NEET 2019 category wise round 1