In this college mba course is available or not?
Yes it is one of top MBA colleges not only in India but in Asia Pacific. I am assuming you are from general category. Based on your overall academic profile, you will need to score atleast 99.9 percentile to get a call for the next round.
All the best!
Hi Dear,
Indian institute of management , banglore is the top college for management of india and yes they provide some MANAGEMENT courses.
- fellow programme in management (FPM)
- Post graduation programme in public policy & management ( PGPPM)
- Post graduate programme in enterprise management ( PGPEM)
- Executive post graduation programme in management (EPGP)
- Post graduation programme in management (PGP)
- Executive education programme (EEP)
This courses provided by IIM banglore in management they are kind of MBA so you can pursue any course
i hope this much information will be helpful for you
for more queries just contact with us
thank you
good luck
IIM Banglore is one of the top Management institute of India, You can go through their website i have pasted the link below, please go through it
Thank you