In which college I can get civil branch with a rank of GNOP 24003 in UPSEE??
Hello aspirant,
Congratulations for getting good rank in UPSEE 2020. According to the last some years cut offs you have very good chances of getting admission into some good colleges in civil branch. Some of the good colleges are listed below for you.
1) Ajay Kumar Garg engg. college, Ghaziabad.
2) College of engineering and rural technology, Meerut.
3) JSS academy of technical education, Goutam Buddh Nagar.
4) ITS engg. college, Goutam Buddh Nagar.
5) Lucknow university, Lucknow.
You should also go through the last some years cut offs whose link is provided below which will help you in finding some good colleges for you.
Also I would like to suggest you to go through our college predictor tool which will help you in finding and predicting some good colleges for you. The link for it is provided below.
Best of luck.
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