In which du bsc courses physical education is required?
Answer (1)
For best of four percentage calculation the method is given below:
1. 1 language course which can be core, elective, functional must include one relevant subject that is like if you choose to pursue BSc statistics of bsc maths Hons then it is compulsory for you to include mathematics as one of your best of force subjects similarly if you choose to pursue BCom aur BCom Hons it is also compulsory for you to include mathematics in your best of four
3. Two subjects from list A
Forest a you can check the Delhi University web portal where they have mentioned the courses that you can include in your best of four.intraday subject other than those in the list then there will be a deduction of 2.5 from your overall percentage like if you include physical education music in your best for then there will be a deduction of 2.5 from your overall best of four percentage.
For best of four percentage calculation the method is given below:
1. 1 language course which can be core, elective, functional must include one relevant subject that is like if you choose to pursue BSc statistics of bsc maths Hons then it is compulsory for you to include mathematics as one of your best of force subjects similarly if you choose to pursue BCom aur BCom Hons it is also compulsory for you to include mathematics in your best of four
3. Two subjects from list A
Forest a you can check the Delhi University web portal where they have mentioned the courses that you can include in your best of four.intraday subject other than those in the list then there will be a deduction of 2.5 from your overall percentage like if you include physical education music in your best for then there will be a deduction of 2.5 from your overall best of four percentage.
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