In which year of ece engineering laptop is needed????
Hi indu, this question arise in every student mind. I am an electrical engineer and during my time also i had same question.
ECE DEALS WITH ALL ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATION WORK, so you need lapto from first year as there are some ppt or other small projects. But after first year, your field related subjects like microcontroller, telecomunication, etc subject are there.
Also programming related aubject and the simulation in project is only done with the laptop.
So please buy any laptop of 4 gb ram ar above with less price and compact size so, it would help you throughout your engineering
It depends on you wether you want to carry it with you from first year with you or not. But from next it should be with you.
Hello aspirant,
It totally depends upon you when you want to buy . Generally the students of ECE has to learn programming a little bit and also design circuit so most probably you can buy laptop in your 4 th semester though if you want to learn programming also and early only you can have laptop anytime so it's totally lies upon your interest and convenience as when you want to buy it.
Hope this helps
If any queries feel free to ask.
All the best!!
Hi Indu,
Laptops are required in the 4th semester that is in 2nd year.