ipu entrance exam will be online or offline?
Hello Candidate,
Here are the details regarding the IPU entrance examination- As per the IPU CET exam pattern 2021, the exam is conducted for two and a half hours in offline (Pen-paper) mode. The subject sections asked in the examinations includes: English Language & Comprehension – 25%, General Awareness- 25%, Logical and Analytical Ability-25%, Aptitude relating to the field of Management and Communication Skills- 25%.
If you want to know more details, you can visit https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.careers360.com/exams/ipu-cet/amp
The IPU CET will be conducted in the online mode. The last date of the IPU B.Tech 2021 application form has been extended till July 31 at ipu.ac.in. The IPU CET exam for B.Tech Biotechnology will be conducted in online mode. The officials have not yet released dates for the exam. Keep an eye on the official website for the latest information. It is expected that the officials will soon release the dates. The authorities will release the IPU B.Tech 2021 admit card on the official website.