Is 39.6393106 percentile is eligible for PWD candidate in NIT trichy ?
You rank is expected to be in around 524540. You can calculate by the formula (100-your total percentile)*869010/100 where 869010 is the total number of candidates appeared in January session. You have not mentioned your category and state assuming that you belong to general category your rank based on diability will be in between 1000-2700. Here is the cut off in 2019 for NIT, Trichy for other state general pwd category
- Civil: 180
- Chemical: 362
- CSE: 55
- ECE: 75
- Mechanical: 129
- MME: 693
- EEE: 67
Considering this you may not get seat. You have to prepare for July session. Cut off may increase or decrease depending on difficulty of exam, number of candidates appeared etc.
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