Is 7 months enough for UPESEAT preparation?
Syllabus of UPESEAT is almost same as JEE MAIN so if you are preparing for Jee then you will find the UPESEAT relatively easy. So it is advisable to understand NCERT's concepts properly.
Better to create a time table so that you can complete the syllabus on time.
Apart from PCM, questions from English and current affairs are also asked. Candidates should practice them all properly.
Aspirants will need speed and precision to solve UPESEAT efficiently.
You should solve various sample papers following the time constraint and analyse the performance after every test.
You will have to be very careful about the weightage of topics as Co - ordinate geometry is one of the key which have been asked extensively in UPESEAT and thus should be given more emphasis.
There is no provision of negative marking so candidates should be fast enough to attempt all the 200 questions in order to maximise their score. Also, this can be done through solving more sample papers.
Hope this helps!!!

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