is admit card for INI CET 2021 out yet ? i can't find the link anywhere
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi has scheduled to issue the INI CET 2021 admission card on The release schedule of the INI CET admission card was updated by the authorities on 13 November and is now expected to be issued on 13 November 2020. All applicants who've already completed the enrollment process and within due date would be able to access the INI CET admission card from official website for the January session. Aspirants will have to log in using their 'Applicant Login ID' and password and captcha code to obtain the INI CET 2021 admission card.
Hi Aspirant,
As per the news,The admit card was to be released yesterday.Candidates who have successfully completed the registration process will be able to download the INI CET admit card.You can download the admit card at aiimsexams (// after giving a dot org.
You can check more detailes about the procedures and the release dates in this link given below:
Hope it helps!!