Is architecture is best or or BE is best? which more useful or more complicated
Answer (1)
All the three course whose names you have mentioned are different to one other.
B.E stands for Bachelor of Engineering and B.Tech stands for Bachelor in Technology whereas as Architecture is a totally different field of study.
Let us first understand the difference between BE and B.Tech first.
One of the major difference is that B.Tech course is more skill oriented and application of analytical and logical skills are required whereas B.E is knowledge oriented course.In B.E you will have to focus more on therory but in B.Tech you will have to focus more on practical training.
After competing B.E you will have choice of studying courses like M.E, M.B.A, and M.Sc. for higher studies on the other hand the B.Tech student can choose M.Tech, MS degree or M.B.A. as per their choice.
Curriculum of both the courses are same.
Now, me tell you that both the degrees have equal recognition with equal scope in future so there is nothing to compare about because you will have equal opportunities in both the courses.But if you are interested in research kind of job then and if you will go for higher studies then B.E is the right choice.
Few top colleges for B.E are NSIT, BITS-Pilani, Anna University etc
Few top college for B.Tech are IIT Bombay,IIT delhi,IIT kharagpur etc.
Now, coming to Architecture,
This course is also good but it has less opportunities and scope as compared to B.E and B.Tech.
It will take time and lot of years of dedication to establish yourself in this field. In the beginning you will get placements but your package might be not satisfying to you but if you can settle yourself in this field and may be you can have you own startup then you will have to good future.
I hope this helps.
All the three course whose names you have mentioned are different to one other.
B.E stands for Bachelor of Engineering and B.Tech stands for Bachelor in Technology whereas as Architecture is a totally different field of study.
Let us first understand the difference between BE and B.Tech first.
One of the major difference is that B.Tech course is more skill oriented and application of analytical and logical skills are required whereas B.E is knowledge oriented course.In B.E you will have to focus more on therory but in B.Tech you will have to focus more on practical training.
After competing B.E you will have choice of studying courses like M.E, M.B.A, and M.Sc. for higher studies on the other hand the B.Tech student can choose M.Tech, MS degree or M.B.A. as per their choice.
Curriculum of both the courses are same.
Now, me tell you that both the degrees have equal recognition with equal scope in future so there is nothing to compare about because you will have equal opportunities in both the courses.But if you are interested in research kind of job then and if you will go for higher studies then B.E is the right choice.
Few top colleges for B.E are NSIT, BITS-Pilani, Anna University etc
Few top college for B.Tech are IIT Bombay,IIT delhi,IIT kharagpur etc.
Now, coming to Architecture,
This course is also good but it has less opportunities and scope as compared to B.E and B.Tech.
It will take time and lot of years of dedication to establish yourself in this field. In the beginning you will get placements but your package might be not satisfying to you but if you can settle yourself in this field and may be you can have you own startup then you will have to good future.
I hope this helps.
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