is Bharathiar school of distance education recognized by UGC and Distance Education Bureau?
Bharathiar Universitys Distance Educationis not recognized by the UGC.
All other details about Distance program are given below.
- Bharathiar University is a private University.
- You can select from different options for an MBA including MBA specialization (2 years), Executive MBA course (2 years) and Integrated MBA course (5 years).
- Nearly all major specializations are available to choose from.
- Fees for the above mentioned programs are 25,570 INR, 33,300 INR and 37,905 respectively.
- Comparing the syllabus and quality of education with other universities, you will have a lot of other good options than this one like IGNOU, IMT Ghaziabad and Symbiosis.
Good Luck with your decision!
Bharathiar University is not recognised by UGC but it's distance school was UGC recognised in 1992.
Good Luck!