Is bsc community science is good course?
Answer (1)
Hello Aspirant.
Bsc community science is a three year undergraduate program. If we talk about it's scope in India, then just doing bsc with community science will not be fruitful enough.. But if you lager plan to do phd or masters, then it might be good for you.. So you cannot jist rely on undergraduate degree for this course.. Also it's in the blooming stage so not much colleges offer this course..
Hope this helps.. All the best
Bsc community science is a three year undergraduate program. If we talk about it's scope in India, then just doing bsc with community science will not be fruitful enough.. But if you lager plan to do phd or masters, then it might be good for you.. So you cannot jist rely on undergraduate degree for this course.. Also it's in the blooming stage so not much colleges offer this course..
Hope this helps.. All the best
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