Is Btech(comp. sc.) good in VIT Chennai compared to VIT Vellore? Does VIT Chennai has good placements in Comp. Sc. engg. as in VIT Vellore?
VIT Vellore and VIT Chennai are equally good when the education is compared with. Both the colleges have almost the same set of placements. During the time of placements, the students of VIT Chennai come to VIT Vellore to sit for various companies. So, both are good. But the infrastructure and the culture of VIT Vellore is better.
If you are unable to get into the Vellore campus for the B.Tech in Computer Science then the Chennai campus will also be the preferred option for that as well and yaah definitely VIT Chennai has the good placement as well in the field of Computer Science but I would like to suggest you that try to take the branch in the main campus rather than the side campuses of any of the college because the main campus has it's own main advantages in the parameters including the placements as well.
All the best