is BVRIT Narsapur is in top 10
BVRIT is a very good college in Narsapur. And it's definitely under the top 10 college.
The campus is very beautiful and faculty also good.
The college rating 4.3 out of 5 .
If you want to know more about this college then check this link given below
BV Raju Institute of Technology (BVRIT), medak, Narsapur, telangana,was established in 1997 by the late Padmabhushan Dr. B.V. Raju. Therefore raju institute of technology is known by Padmasri Dr. B.V. Raju Institute of Technology.
Now if you are talking about Nirf 2020 rankings, then it stands at a position of 168th in engineering field.
But if you are talking in Telangana state, then BVRIT has been ranked amongst the top ten Private Colleges and the top college other than the colleges in Hyderabad.
Also check out the following link to know more about bvrit :-