Is chemical engineering different from petroleum engineering??
Hello Prabhu,
Yes they are both different.
Chemical Engineering deals with chemistry of matter and substance. Chemical engineer use principle of chemistry to develop food,drugs and new substances.
Petroleum Engineering deals with chemistry and geoglogy to extract oil and gas from under the surface of the earth.
Chemical Engineers work in place where material substances are dealt because they help solve problems of production and safety of chemicals and other materials.They work towards developing better drugs for any diseases that facilities faster recovery.They work in plants to check the air quality,distinguish between hazardous and non hazardous substance and devise a better plan to tackle factory wastes.They help solving problem with production ,devise new and efficient way of manufacture.
Petroleum Engineering on the other develop new methods that would help them efficiently extract oil and gases from earth surface.They design extraction equipment, perform thorough check of oil well ,ensure that equipments used for extraction process are working efficiently ,they also perform operations as well as maintanence of oil fields extraction equipments.They spend most of their time with geologist studying the oil capacity in certain kind of rock or ocean beds.
Hope I have answered your query! In case of doubt reach out to me.