Is composite score of 79.2 enough in du jat to grab a seat in sscbs
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Hi Bharay!
So your composite score is around 79.2/100.
On the basis of this score, rank will be allotted and colleges as well.
Referring strictly to last year’s data, this is what I found -
- Candidate with CS 75.37 had an AIR 87 ;
- Candidate with CS 75.50 had an AIR 82 ;
- Candidate with CS 76.61 had an AIR 66 ; and
- Candidate with CS 79.61 had an AIR 15.
From the aforementioned data you could estimate what your All India Rank should be, assuming the overall performance pattern of the students remains similar in this and last year.
So with this score you can easily get into the third best college for BMS that is DDUC. That is for sure. There are 95% chances of getting a rank to get into the second ranked college for BMS that is Keshav Mahavidyalay and an 80–85% chance to get a rank which will get you into SSCBS.
Only after the result is out and cut off declared will you be able to know if you would get a college of your choice or not.
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Thank you and good luck.

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