Is compulsory language and evs included in the calculation of aggregate marks by mba colleges for an honours graduate?
Answer (1)
Hy shurabhdeep !!
Language and IT are the foundation courses which are compulsory all the students but the marks obtained in these Foundation courses are not included in your final percentage by the colleges. However , that does not mean that you need not to gain the minimum marks required in the subjects it is mandatory for you to appear for the exam of foundation courses and get at least passing marks in these otherwise your result of the electives might also be withheld. Feel free to contact for any further query.
Hope it helps you!!
Good luck!!
Language and IT are the foundation courses which are compulsory all the students but the marks obtained in these Foundation courses are not included in your final percentage by the colleges. However , that does not mean that you need not to gain the minimum marks required in the subjects it is mandatory for you to appear for the exam of foundation courses and get at least passing marks in these otherwise your result of the electives might also be withheld. Feel free to contact for any further query.
Hope it helps you!!
Good luck!!
1 Comment
Comments (1)
I have scored a 55% in grad. The net total is awarded only for the honours papers. But a few college also consider all the subjects which include the general papers i that case my % becomes 49.6(without including language and evs) but if both of these are included it's 51.33%. Im so confused how will the college calculate the aggregate marks and if im elible (50%).
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