Is Direct Admission in AIIMS possible without NEET Counseling?
Hello Student,
NO direct admission in Aiims without NEEt counselling is not possible because it is mention in their guidelines that
- AIIMS MBBS Selection Criteria is based on the score obtained in the NEET UG entrance exam. At first, students have to clear the NEET examination as equivalent to the AIIMS MBBS Cut off norms.
but you can all about the selection criteria by going through the link given below
hope it will help, and All the Best.
No, you cannot get into Aiims without neet counselling.
This is because,
100% aiims seats are offered through mcc all india counselling.
To help you further,
Here's a brief counselling
There are 2 counselling under which a seat is provided in a Medical College through Neet examination
--------------) All India counselling by mcc /dghs :- it is conducted by DGHS on behalf of MCC. It is done for
******15% AIQ seats :- All the neet qualified students are eligible for 15% all India quota except for Jammu and Kashmir candidates as Jammu and Kashmir doesn't participate in all India counselling. If jammu and Kashmir students wants to participate in all india counselling then they will have to fill self declaration while filling the neet application formafter which they won't be eligible for Jammu and Kashmir state quota seats /counselling.
******100% Deemed Universities,
******Central Universities (Delhi University, AMU & BHU including Institutional/ DomicileQuota),
******100% ESIC, AFMC (only Registration Part) & I.P University (VMMC & SJHAND ABVIMS & RML & ESIC Dental, Delhi (15% AIQ + 85% Institutional Quota )
* *****100% AIIMS & 100% JIPMER Seats
-------------) 85 % state quota counselling :- it is conducted by respective states. Only students who are domicile of that state are eligibile. You can know the domicile criteria of different states to be eligible for state quota by going through the link given below :-
Here's a brief of NEET mcc /all india counselling:-
-----------) First of all you need to register yourself by visiting the official website of mcc i. e mcc . nic . in and then paying the counselling fee
-----------) Choice filling :- You need to choose the colleges you want to get admission in and then lock your choices
-----------) Round 1 seat allotment result publication
-----------) if you get a seat then you can report to the alloted college or can go for free exit option if you don't want to get admission in the alloted college
-----------) Vacant Seats publication for round 2.
-----------) Fresh filling of choice for round 2
-----------) If you get a seat then you need to report to the alloted college or you can choose not to report if you don't want to get admission in the alloted college but in this case you won't get your security money back .
-----------) After round 2, there's round 3 i. e mop up round for the leftover seats and finally round 4 i. e stray vacany round for the vacant seat left even after mop up round.
For detailed information go through the link below:-
Similar is the process of state counselling, it's just that for that you need to register with the official website of your state
To help you in counselling, we have neet college predictor for you for which link is given below:-
It gives you a personalized report with top college in which you have chances for admission , with the help of predicted colleges you can make better choice while filling your choices of colleges during your counselling and grab a seat.
To help in your counselling further, we have mbbs companion in which in addition to college predictor tool you also get information regarding various counselling i. e all india , deemed, central and state counselling and you get to attend live webinars with experts to guide you and get all your doubts cleared. The link is given below:-
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