is hostel is available for the degree first year students..?
In order to inform you about the hostel availability, if any, you need to mention the city, state where your college is situated. You will also have to mention the name of the college. Without that information no proper answer can be given. So please provide the required details in your question and you may repost your question or write in the provided comment section so that it can be answered.
Yes, hostels are available for degree first year students. Hostels are for students who move in different town from they provide various facilities like wifi, mess, sports club, library and others. All students of degree can get hostels. In some degree colleges, hostel have limited number of seats and students have to meet the cutoff criterias. There are some fees of hostel. Private degree colleges have higher hostel fees as compared to hostel fees of government colleges of degree first year students and others.