Is hotel management easy in theory?
Hi Aman, I'd like to answer your question very personally, nothing is easy if you seeking the theory part to be easy there will be something which will be tough. Yes, opting Hotel Management as a career option is definitely good. It has many job opportunities available. If all you are looking for studying abroad then the course selection as to be done considering the academic background as some countries are very specific. Hope the above clarifies your doubt.

hey there,
Firstly, respecting your question i would like to inform you nothing is easy or difficult in theory or practical. You decide to make it difficult or easy. If hostel management fancy you then be it theory or practical it can ever be difficult else even a single line of its theory will be hell difficult for you.
You should check the syllabus of the course in any college you like to get a rough idea about the level of difficulty of this course.
Hello aman sir, hope you are doing well!
Hotel management theory and practical is not that easy but if are truely intrested in that field then it will be easy for you..
for theory subject it will be easy if you refer good books which is useful! Theory is not that tough if you study it regularly!
All the best
Hello Aman,
No course is easy or tough…. what matters is- whether you have interest in that Course and subject or not!!!!!!! you are liking those subjects or not. TRUST ME If you have interest in that it becomes earsier for you … you want to know more and more about that subject. So, do not make assumptions or make any perception on others opinion.Always remember….!!!!! the goals worth accomplishing are achieved with a sense of direction and clarified vision. Smart educational choices create better career opportunities. If you want to do it ….JUST GO FOR IT… fight till the end……….GIVE YOUR 100%… SUCCESS WILL FOLLOW YOU…