is imt nagpur a tier 1 college
HEY pradeep
These are schools with admissions rates below 10%. These colleges are namely the network of IITs, NITs, BITs and some other colleges
These schools are still highly competitive, but less so than tier 1. They generally have acceptance rates below 20%.These colleges are those which are not as greatly established as the Tier 1 colleges, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have brilliant people studying there. Each year these colleges have a reputation to maintain. These institutes majorly lack in resources and student power. This is so because there majority of students are those who either failed to clear JEE or other exams or they were a bit late or took this decision in a hurry. But that doesn’t mean that tier 2 college students cannot be successful.
These are safety schools for almost all applicants and will admit most of the students who apply to them. These include local colleges and the less prestigious branches of state university systems. While these schools are not “bad,” they are generally considered less prestigious.These colleges are those which have recently been opened and lack many things that tier 1 and 2 colleges have. These colleges attract abundant of those students who just wanted to pursue engineering due their parents or some other reason. The reason can be that they didn’t want to leave their hometown or someone misguided them. But this doesn’t mean that they won’t succeed.
SO IMT nagpur is accredited by the AICTE (All Indian Council for Technical Education), NBA (National Board of Accreditation) and AIU (Association of Indian Universities). it is tier 2 college.
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