is integrated msc having equal value as that of normal msc? is there any disadvantes of taking integrated msc after 12? are the job opportunities in both same? and in integrated msc at which year the specialisation is done?
- Integrated MSc and Normal MSc have the same value. The main difference is in case of separate MSc , that after BSc you have to apply for entrance examination and in case of Integrated MSc you have no need to sit for any entrance examination.
- No , there are no disadvantages in taking Integrated MSc after 12 since the course have all the curiculum of BSc and MSc but are fused in a way. So you will not face any problem.
- In Integrated MSc , the specialization and stuffs are dependent after the college/university. In general the specialization is done at the end of 5th or 6th semester.
I hope my answer helps you. All the very best for your future endeavors!