Is it possible to clear JEE in 10 Days
To be honest if you start your preparation from scratch then it is very difficult to qualify JEE main examination but if your basics of 10 + 2 is clear then you may qualify it, you need to really work hard now.
Also, now that is very limited time is there stress on important topics or chapters which are listed below based on their weightage in past year JEE mains examination :-
*Modern Physics -20 marks
*Heat and Thermodynamics-12 marks
*Optics - 12 marks
*Current Electricity- 12 marks
*Electrostatics- 12 marks
*Magnetics- 8 marks
*Transition Elements and Coordination *Chemistry- 12 marks
*Periodic table and Representative Elements- 12 marks
*Thermodynamics And Gaseous State- 8 marks
*Atomic Structure- 8 marks
*Chemical Bonding - 8 marks
*Chemical And Ionic Equilibrium - 8 marks
*Solid State And Surface Chemistry - 8 marks
*Nuclear Chemistry And Environment - 8 marks
*Coordinate Geometry-20 marks
*Limits, Continuity and Differentiability-12 marks
*Integral Calculus:- 12 marks
*Complex numbers and Quadratic Equation :- 8 marks
*Matrices and Determinants:- 8 marks
*Statistics and Probability:- 8 marks
*Three Dimensional Geometry:- 8 marks
*Vector Algebra:- 8 marks
*Solve previous year JEE MAINS questions , it will let you know the examination pattern, type question etc so that you can prepare accordingly. You can get them at
*Go through JEE MAINS mock test papers , it will let you know your preparation level and and weak areas so that you can work on them and perform well in your examination. You can get them at
To help you boost your performance in jee main, we have jee main rank booster for you for which link is given below:-
Thank you
JEE is one of the most demanding examination, varies aspirants preparation duration is about 2 - 6 years.
JEE covers a very vast Syllabus and in-depth fundamentals should be cleared as the difficulty level of JEE is quite high.
So, if a student has spent his 11th and 12th standard with a great academic grip then he/she secure a little amount of probability of cracking JEE in 10 days but for the an average or above student its near to impossible.
know more about JEE - JEE Main 2021
Hope this helps,
All the best !