Is kvpy exam syllabus for class 11 also contains some 12 syllabus?
Hi Nitin! The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) is a prestigious national level fellowship program started by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India in 1999. It is run by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bangalore. The examination is usually conducted in the month of November every year. KVPY syllabus is almost similar to that of the syllabus from class X/XII/1st year of B.S./ B.Sc./B.Math./B.Stat./M.S./Int. M.Sc. The examination is conducted in 3 different streams namely SA, SX and SB. Each stream includes questions from Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics.The KVPY fellowship program does not have a specified KVPY syllabus but it aims to test the overall analytical skills and the aptitude of the applicants in the field of science.

Hey Nitin,
If you are in 11th class and wants to give KVPY exam in 11th, then you will belong to SA Stream, and the syllabus for a SA Stream candidate in KVPY includes all the topics and chapters of Class 10th and 11th having Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics as subjects in the syllabus.
So I think it is now clear that the topics of Class 12th are not covered in the syllabus for SA stream.
Good Luck !
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